Rx Lenses


We specialize in eyeglass frames and non-corrective sunglasses; we are not licensed to provide prescription lenses. Our Rx frames are specially designed so that the factory blank lenses can be easily exchanged for your lens prescription by the optician of your choosing.


Option 1:

  • Take your new Keepwood Rx Frames to your local trusted optician. An Optician Instruction Sheet will be provided with your order, take this to your optician.


Option 2:

  • Check out our lens partner for Canadian and US customers.

Here's how this option works:

  • Purchase frames on our site.
  • Visit www.replacerxlenses.com. Use this link so we can track your order. Use code KEEPWOOD15 at checkout for 15% off your lens order.
  • Email us info@keepwoodeyewear.com to advise if you want to save time and have us ship your order directly to ReplaceRxLenses. They will ship the glasses to you for free once they installed your corrective lenses.

If you have any questions regarding this process, please email us at info@keepwoodeyewear.com